TLB Nutrition Therapy
TLB Nutrition Therapy is a group practice of dietitians that specialize in eating disorder treatment through a non-diet, weight inclusive approach. We all have additional areas of specialty.
The dietitians at TLB Nutrition Therapy strive to provide individualized nutrition care for those wanting to heal their relationship with food and their bodies. Our goal is to move clients on this food and body journey through evidenced based principles, individualized assessments, and non-judgmental practices that focus on the specific individual and their needs. We believe in providing access to all races, sizes, gender preferences, ethnicities and socioeconomic status levels.
Our non-diet approach to the food and body relationship allows us to assist clients in moving from a disordered or confused way of eating and interacting with their bodies to a peaceful place. We strive to assist clients to develop a mindset where they can fully embrace their food choices, trust their body communication and explore fun ways to move their body. Through embracing, trusting and exploring their bodies we know that true freedom can be the client’s future.
The dietitians at TLB Nutrition Therapy all practice nutrition therapy through a non-diet, weight inclusive approach to health. We truly believe that all foods can fit into your lifestyle without needing restriction or deprivation. We want to be able to help you find enjoyment in food and to be able to practice it on a daily basis. We know that there are many diet myths in today’s society and it is difficult to know what is true. We want to help you build your self confidence with food so that you can choose what is best for your body without judgment or the debilitating control of your eating disorder, diet mentality, food or exercise struggle. We believe all behaviors can change in a positive way. Tina’s little mantra to clients is “it is not the food, it is the behavior” and in that we want to help you make a lifestyle change that is best for you. One of our main beliefs is ‘meeting the client where they are in their process’. We want to make sure that we are challenging you, but also not pushing you beyond your capability or readiness. This being said, honesty is key. We are all straight forward people and in that, we can make our sessions worthwhile, because if we are both being honest then we can be doing real work.
We provide support treatment to all races, body sizes, gender identities, ethnicities and socioeconomic status levels. We also work with all ages throughout the life cycle.
Specializes In:All of the dietitians in the practice work under the umbrella of eating disorder support care, whether you are struggling from an eating disorder or disordered eating. Our approach comes from a non-diet, weight inclusive framework to help heal your relationship with food, body and movement from disorder patterns. The dietitians’ experiences range from working in a higher level of care (eating disorder treatment) to outpatient treatment and working with a variety of ages.
Other areas of specialities include:
- Pre/Postpartum Nutrition support
- Body Image Support
- Co-occurring conditions (Sobriety from Drugs/Alcohol)
- Exercise & Sports Nutrition
- Hormone, Reproductive and Autoimmune disorders
- Children’s Nutrition and Family Feeding Support
Please go to the website for further details.
In person and virtual sessions
Fees and Types of Insurance Accepted:Blue Cross Blue Shield and Aetna insurance along with self pay or sliding scale. Please see the website for further details on fees and insurance options.