Grow with Gabi, PLLC

Phone: 832-800-3952

Grow with Gabi is a group psychotherapy practice specializing in the treatment of Eating Disorders, Anxiety and Depression. We are immensely passionate about helping people heal their relationship with food and their body. We practice from a Health at Every Size lens and focus on getting to the root of the problem in order to hep individuals live a life free from the toxicity of diet culture and weight stigma.

Works With:

Children (as young as 10), Adolescents, Adults

Specializes In:

Eating Disorders, Anxiety and Depression

Therapy Settings:

In person and virtual

Theoretical Background:

Compassionate Inquiry, Relational, Person-centered, HAES aligned and Intuitive Eating focused

Fees and Types of Insurance Accepted:

Fee $165 + sliding scale