Ability Nutrition Therapy

Phone: (512) 337-3774

Abigail (Abi) Ploch is an eating disorder dietitian with experience in multiple levels of care of eating disorder treatment (partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, and outpatient). Abi has experienced the joys of supporting clients in re-aligning with their values and re-writing their story through ED recovery. Abi utilizes a non-diet, weight neutral approach to nutrition and frequently incorporates Intuitive Eating and mindful eating practices in her work. Abi thoroughly enjoys helping her clients challenge and unlearn distortions about nutrition and their bodies that keep them stuck and find the tools and self-knowledge to rebuild trust in both food and their body.

Works With:

adolescents 16+ years old, adults and families struggling with eating disorders and disordered eating

Specializes In:

Eating disorders: Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge eating disorder, and Avoidant/Restrictive food intake disorder
Disordered eating
Emotional eating
Chronic, or "Yo-Yo", dieting
Unhealthy relationship with food, exercise, and/or body image
Elevated A1C
Gastrointestinal conditions

Therapy Settings:

Virtual/Telehealth only

Theoretical Background:

Intuitive eating, Health at Every Size

Fees and Types of Insurance Accepted:

In network with BCBS. United Healthcare availability coming soon.
Private pay at $160-200 assessment, $160 for 60 min follow up, and $80 for 30 min follow up
Provide super-bills for reimbursement
Offer sliding scale fees on a needs and availability basis